Channelview Fire Department (CFD) held our first annual Toy Drive beginning the first week of December. CFD teamed up with ROC (Renewing Our Communities) which is a local organization that consists of local Churches in the North Channel Area.
There were drop spots set up at Kroger’s, CVS, Family Christian Academy and at both fire stations in Channelview.
Several local businesses collected toys at their facility and dropped them off at our station. (Lyondell Basell, Intra Services, Mustang Rental, CISD Bus Barn, CISD FFA.)
On December 14th, the fire department held an all day event @ Chick Fil A. ROC assisted with the collection of the toys, which totaled 1057 items. Chick Fil A issued a raffle ticket for every toy that was donated. After the event a raffle ticket was drawn and the lucky winner received free Chick Fil A for a year.
When the event was over the toys were dropped off at Sterlingwood Church. Melanie Ayers and Nancy Young identified needy children through the counselors at the local school districts. These toys were distributed to the schools in the Channelview, North Channel, and Sheldon area.
CFD also dropped off toys to 13 needy families in Channelview using our ladder truck and Santa Clause (Mike Ditta).