Open Letter to the Public:
Our school district is in trouble and it is up to you to save it. Yes, you. A few brave souls have talked to, written, called, or emailed the seven Board members recently to ask for action regarding the current Superintendent. 400 or more expressed their opinion by personally attending the Board meeting on July 14. Now, the Board members need to hear from the rest of the thousands of you who care about the future of GCCISD. You need to demand that they stop the damage that is being done by the Superintendent’s personnel actions, as it is negatively affecting our schools, our principals, our teachers, our administrators, our counselors, our operations and support staff, and most importantly our children. Very simply, we made a mistake when we hired Salvador Cavazos and then allowed him to dismantle the very fabric and soul of our district. You need to demand that your school Board do the right thing, right now, and terminate this Superintendent’s employment with GCCISD immediately.
Dr. Cavazos recently told the Baytown Sun that he and the Board were going to “assess the concerns” that they heard at the July 14 Board meeting. This is such a ridiculous and condescending statement for him to make since what the people said was that they want a “change in the position of Superintendent of GCCISD”, not an analysis of their concerns. The assessment” has been made by the people of Baytown and Highlands.
Now, to those who receive their paychecks from the District, it is clear to us that the vast majority of the current and past employees of GCCISD believe that the district is going in the wrong direction but cannot speak up for fear of retaliation from the Superintendent. Our input to you is “we have your back”. So, please immediately send an email to the Board members and tell them what is in your heart and on your mind. If all you guys that have the personal knowledge of the damage that is being inflicted by Dr. Cavazos will speak up, then no one can be singled out for retaliation. There is indeed power in numbers and especially when you are right and righteous. Finally, we would like to see 1,000 folks attend the next Board meeting scheduled for next Monday, July 28, to reinforce to the Board that we want action now. The meeting starts at 6:30 PM. Please get there by 5:30 PM.
Mike Wilson