(Washington, DC) – On Thursday, January 8, Representative Gene Green was elected by unanimous consent to serve as Ranking Member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Health for the 114th Congress.
“It is an honor to serve in leadership on the Health Subcommittee on behalf of our District and all Americans,” Green said. “We’ve made great strides in health care reform, but some of our nation’s most vulnerable citizens still lack access to the care they need. This Congress, one of our top priorities will be to address these gaps and foster a better system that will provide accessible, world-class care for all, regardless of age, gender, or income.”
During the 113th Congress, Rep. Green was an active member of the Health Subcommittee and worked to address pressing health care issues. In 2013, he authored legislation to fund trauma care systems, and legislation to spur the development of treatments that combat drug-resistant bacteria. In 2009 and 2010, he was a strong supporter of health care reform legislation, including the House passage of the Affordable Health Care for America Act and the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. He has also introduced and supported legislation on the Energy and Commerce Committee to expand access to quality health care, and pursued opportunities to improve access to coverage, including Medicaid expansion.
The Health Subcommittee has jurisdiction over public health, hospital construction, biomedical research and development, health information and technology, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and medical malpractice and medical malpractice insurance.