The North Shore Rotary Club held their installation banquet last Friday night at the Monument Inn, with their usual verve and fun.
Mike Williams was sworn in as the 58th president, by Judge Mike Parrott. Parrott delivered an emotional talk about his upcoming retirement in 2016, after a lifetime of service to the North Shore area.
Special guests at the dinner were the officers of Rotary District 5890, including Governor Nick Giannone and wife Fabriola, DG elect Eric Liu and wife Sandy, and DG designate Bill Palko and wife Debby. Recognition was given to Rotarians who were present and had been in the club for 50 years or more, including B. J. Westbrook, Jerry Dominy and Frank Nadolney.
As outgoing president, Allatia Harris gave a short talk on the accomplishments of the club during her term, summing it up as “An Amazing Year.” She mentioned successful international projects to Mexico and Australia, help for youth through Early Act/ First Knight, Interact, FFA Auctions at 4 schools, Food Baskets for the needy and Seniors, financial support for the Bay Area Homeless Family shelter, and an outreach to the Darrington Prison unit. She thanked members and her board, whom she awarded with copies of the book “Texas Rising.”
Rotarian of the Year, voted on by the membership, was awarded to Amir Khan, noting that he displayed the “Spirit of Service.”
Dr. Don Nino was in charge of awarding the Paul Harris Fellows awards. Receiving the initial award were Amir Kahn, Ronnie Dwairy, David Gray, and Christopher Ryan.
In addition, a +1 pin was given to Brent Hughes, and Mike Williams. A +2 award went to Ryan Dagley and Matt Davis.
Major donors, those that have given or pledged $10,000 or more to the Rotary Foundation, included John Painter, Bill Palko, Scott Stephens, and B. J. Westbrook.
A special Paul Harris award was made on behalf of Rotarian Derrill Painter to his two grandsons, Tyler Gobert and Hunter Gobert.
In his talk on goals for his term, new president Mike Williams said that he plans on emphasizing membership, community projects such as Betty’s Haven, a shelter, and Veterans recognitions, perhaps with a Memorial Wall. He also wanted to support counseling for veterans who might be under stress.
New officers that were sworn in are President Mike Williams, President Elect Kimberley Gonzalez, Secretary Adam Lund, Treasurer Bill Bowes, and Past President Allatia Harris.
Board members include Jerry Dominy, Amir Khan, Lowell Everitt, Bill Palko, Shawn Silman, Dr. Donald Nino, Ronny Dwairy, Ryan Dagley, Danna Lemmon, and Marcus Presson.