HOUSTON — Elected officials, San Jacinto College leaders, and industry partners gathered on Friday, Feb. 19, 2016 to break ground on a state-of-the-art Center for Industrial Technology (CIT), which will enable the College to keep pace with the rising demand for technical workforce training.
The projected completion date for the 111,000-square-feet center, located on the San Jacinto College North Campus, is October 2016.
“There is a critical need for this new facility to provide training for businesses and industries in the rapidly growing North Channel area,” said San Jacinto College Chancellor Dr. Brenda Hellyer. “Student enrollment at the North Campus is increasing and we need facilities to accommodate that growth. Many of the technical training labs at the North Campus are advanced in age and our students need upgraded labs and hands-on experience. Also, existing technical program facilities are not large enough to keep pace with growing enrollment.”
Technical programs that will be housed in the College’s new CIT include welding technology, pipefitting fabrication, diesel technology, logistics, electrical technology, and heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR). Other noncredit Continuing and Professional Development technical courses will also be housed at the new technology center, such as sheet metal, machining, and millwright training.
“We are proud to work with San Jacinto College and value the investment they are making in our students and community,” said U.S. Rep. Gene Green (Texas-29), who attended the ceremony. “The 29th District is home to some of the most expansive chemical plants, refineries, and companies in the world, requiring a skilled workforce. Programs like these offered at CIT will help these businesses grow and meet their labor demands, stimulate our economy, and most importantly, prepare our students, right here at home, to qualify for these high-paying jobs.”