The Chamber announces an exciting and fun membership drive, headed by Dr. Charles Grant.
In January, the North Channel Area Chamber of Commerce will celebrate their 40th Anniversary. To start the celebration off, we aim to bring in 40 new members in four weeks. We plan to kickoff the drive on September 27 and end October 21. October 17 –21 is Texas Chamber of Commerce Week.
Dr. Charles Grant has graciously volunteered to chair the drive. In his twenty plus years as a volunteer, he has received two life memberships. A life membership is given to an individual when he/she brings in $2,500 in memberships in a twelvemonth period. Grant knows the value of Chamber membership and believes, “If you live, work, do business, or want to do business in the North Channel Area, you should be a member.”
Charles Grant is relying on his Membership Team Captains, essentially the board members and officers, to each bring in two new members to reach the Chamber goal of 40. You can help by contacting a team captain, as listed on page 8.
Aaron Cox, CEO for the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives said “Shapiro Group, an Atlanta based research firm, surveyed 2,000 Americans and found that chamber membership causes consumers to see a business in a more positive light and increases the likelihood that they will shop or purchase services from chamber member businesses. Although these figures vary slightly amongst size of organization and industry sector, the fact remains that businesses that are members of their local chamber garner greater consumer credibility, trust, and loyalty than those that are not affiliated with the local chamber of commerce.
Taking this notion a step further, the study found that the greater the level of involvement of the company in the local chamber (i.e. serving on the board, sponsoring events, etc.) the greater the benefits. A company that is highly involved with its local chamber sees that consumers are 10 percent more likely to think that its products stack up better against its competition and 19 percent are more likely to think favorably of the company in general.
Businesses large and small are always on the watch to ensure they are investing wisely and engaging in organizations and activities that are both productive and yield a good return. In short, membership in the chamber is not a luxury item; it is an absolute necessity for all businesses seeking to navigate highly competitive marketplace and sometimes difficult economic waters. Chamber membership gives business a competitive edge in their daily work.”
You can help us reach our goal by referring a new member. Help us grow a bigger and better Chamber!