JACINTO CITY – On Thursday, March 23, 2017 the audit firm of Belt Harris Pechacek, LLP. presented a positive financial report for years 2015/2016, ending with a general fund balance of $9,058,423. Expenses for that period were $9,049,402.00 compared to the 2016/2017 projected expenses of $11,395,383.00. City manager Lon Squyres said the nearly $2 million dollar increase in expenses is largely due to the new police station, modification of the fire station and repairing the swimming pool.
The council approved the second and final reading of the ordinance declaring unopposed candidates in the May 6, 2017 city election; therefore cancelling the election.
The council approved the first reading granting Magellan Pipeline Co. a permit to install one 24 inch pipeline for transporting crude liquid along or under city streets.
Police Chief Joey Ayala presented the mayor and council with a list of 27 locations of unhealthy conditions and possible ordinance violations of junk vehicles, vehicles with expired license or inspection stickers, high grass or weeds, and debris or trash clutter in yard.
Other public notices were the annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 8th, pet vaccination clinic on April 22nd, all pets must be registered and have a current rabies vaccination and city tags worn on a collar at all times. The need to eliminate anything in yards such as tires or pots holding water where disease carrying mosquitoes can breed and obtaining building permits before doing any remodeling or new construction work on homes, fencing, roofs, electrical and or plumbing work.
Allan Jamail, founder of the Keep Jacinto City Clean (KJCC), introduced Teresa Arzapala as the new president and Irasema Salinas as vice president and asked the city to cut the wild trees growing in with the landscape shrubbery along Market Street.
See the accompanying revenue and expense pie charts for a visual financial analysis of the city.