North Shore Rotary Club has installed its new officers and board for the 2017-2018 year, with District 5890 Governor Bill Palko conducting the swearing in.
At the club luncheon on July 13, new president Adam Lund talked about his journey to become president, and reviewed his goals for the coming year. Lund is a vice president at Capital Bank in charge of lending.
He reminded the club of the national motto for this year, “Rotary: Making A Difference.” He suggested that a goal for this year would be to plant trees in the community. He also wants to grow the membership from 75 to 100.
New Officers are President Adam Lund, Pres. Elect Bill Bowes, Secretary Ryan Dagley, Treasurer Lowell Everitt, and Past President Kimberly Gonzalez. New Board members are Matt Davis, Cary Stephens, Robert Lunde, Rhonda Bean, David Gray, Shawn Silman, Dan Mims, Terri Denny, and Norman Giles.
Service Directors are Dr. Donald Niño, Lucia Bates, Shawn Silman, Derrill Painter, and Danna Lemmon and Dr. Donald Niño.