Houston, TX. – Thursday, May 17, 2018 — Career Day at Woodland Acres Elementary School, of Galena Park Independent School District.
NC Star writer Allan Jamail presented the career path to journalism and the educational requirements for becoming a journalist to the 150 third, fourth and fifth graders in attendance.
Jamail said, “You need to prepare yourself while in elementary school, and after completing high school, then take journalism courses in college. A good background in English, along with language arts, humanities and social studies are needed. You must have excellent verbal and written communication abilities.”
He stressed the need for students to strive to perfect their skills in spelling, punctuation, pronunciation, grammar and writing. Journalists investigate to give the public accurate information on current events through the newspapers, magazines, television, radio and internet online websites. Their job is to thoroughly investigate and research important news stories and to present them in a clear and understandable manner.
Jamail explained Photojournalism, and said it was a form of journalism in which stories are presented mainly through photographs rather than words. A photojournalist presents the images that shape his news story. Few other news means has the ability to cross all language and cultural barriers the way a good photograph can.
To properly investigate a news story to get the information needed so the public understands a news story Jamail obtains the answers to, WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? WHY? and WHO?