Early voting for Channelview ISD’s $195.4 million bond is here. Starting Monday, April 22 through Tuesday, April 30, CISD voters can head to any polling location in Harris County to have a say in the future of the community by casting their vote.
Extended polling hours are available Monday through Saturday of early voting from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., giving voters the option to swing by before or after work. On Sunday, April 28, voting is open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
For voters’ convenience, there are two in-district early voting locations, the North Channel Library at 15741 Wallisville Road and the Joyce Hendrix Educational Support Center (CISD Admin. Building) at 828 Sheldon Road. You can also vote at any Harris County early voting location. To find a polling location near you, go to cvisdbond.org/ voting-information.
“With the district’s continued growth in mind, we’re looking for community input by asking you to vote on the bond package this May. I encourage every resident to get out and exercise their right to vote, and to take advantage of early voting. This election is very important in determining how our district will look over the next decade,” said CISD Board President Keith Liggett. “We want to hear from you.”
Election Day is Saturday, May 4. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The North Channel Library and Joyce Hendrix Educational Support Center will both be open for voting, or you can vote at any election day polling location in Harris County.
There has been continued growth in Channelview ISD and the planned expansion in Rancho Verde will bring over 620 new homes, creating more student growth. Channelview High School and Kolarik Ninth Grade Center are already at their capacity and, within the next 5 years, almost every CISD elementary is projected to be over capacity.
This bond election, the district’s first in 10 years, addresses this growth, as well as safety, program expansion and aging infrastructure across the district. The bond package was developed and recommended by the Citizens’ Bond Planning Committee (CBPC), a diverse group of CISD parents, staff, local citizens and community leaders.
“As a Channelview graduate, I was proud to see the community come together to form the Citizens’ Bond Planning Committee that developed this bond package,” Liggett said. “I thank them for their involvement and hard work to plan a bond that will build and improve our schools and implement innovative technology.”
If you have questions about voting or the bond election, visit the Channelview ISD bond website at cvisdbond.org.