Channelview ISD recently honored February Students of the Month by hosting a recognition luncheon at Ray Maddry Stadium.
The Students of the Month include, top row, from left: Jocelynn Jacquez (Alice Johnson Junior High), Kaitlyn Lemons (Anthony Aguirre Junior High), Yasmin Sanchez (Channelview High School), Luis Melendez (Kolarik Ninth Grade Center), Xiana Ramirez (Joe Frank Campbell Learning Center), Yasmin Sanchez (Channelview High School).
Front Row: Allen Villarreal (Viola Cobb Elementary), Alejandro Lopez (Crenshaw Elementary), Hector Vasquez (McMullan Elementary), Sophia Morales (Schochler Elementary), Gustavo Galvan (Harvey Brown Elementary), Victoria Ortegon (Hamblen Elementary), Jasmine Branch (Barrett-Lee Early Childhood Center), Jimena Gonzalez (DeZavala Elementary).