How to clean to avoid the corona virus

With our nation’s top docs now alerting local businesses and schools to prepare for a potential coronavirus crisis, local companies are scrambling to disinfect their workspaces the right way to keep employees and customers safe. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is now urging U.S. businesses to vigorously and routinely wipe down workplace surfaces to contain the spread of the potentially deadly virus.

Tips to keep your place germ free

One-Way Wipe Down – Wipe down a surface in one direction and don’t go back over it in the opposite direction because you will deposit germs you just cleaned up. Routinely wipe down all frequently touched surfaces such as workstations, countertops and don’t forget doorknobs.

Smart Spraying – On the bottle, common household disinfectants tout their ability to kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, including human coronavirus, flu strains, E.coli and salmonella among others. But will they work against the new “novel “coronavirus? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says these disinfectants are “thought” to be effective against the new coronavirus strain, but until tests confirm it, this has not been scientifically proven

Disinfect – Don’t forget to wipe down laptops, mousses and especially cell phones. One study by a web-based researched platform found we touch our cell phones 2,000 times a day. Other recent studies indicate the average adult brings their fingers to their nose, mouth or eyes about 16 times per hour, and germs thrive on human touch and the tech we touch.

Hand-Washing Warnings – Post hand-washing and drying signs EVERYWHERE – from the kitchen to the bathroom – as a reminder to wash hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60-95% alcohol or with warm water and soap for at least twenty seconds. (as long as it takes to sing the Happy Birthday song!) Dry hands thoroughly because germs spread with moisture