NORTH CHANNEL – Hundreds of veterans, family and friends were present last Thursday, as the North Channel Chamber of Commerce held their Salute to the military Veterans of our community on the week before Veterans Day, Nov. 11th.
The EXPO event was held at Armenta’s Banquet Hall on Sheldon Road in Channelview. It included a lunch, speeches by service groups, and short club meetings by North shore Rotary, GP/JC Rotary, and the Pilot Club.
Participating in ceremonial flag presentations and music of the service groups were the C.E. King HS Junior ROTC.
Introductions and Sponsor recognition were announced by Master of Ceremonies Greg Ollis, superintendent of Channelview ISD.
Recognition of participating Law Enforcement agencies, Fire and EMT departments, was made by Bill Palko, a veteran and past president of North Shore Rotary.
Palko also presided over the presentation of gift bags to all attending veterans, courtesy of the North Shore Rotary. At the conclusion of the ceremonies, members of the Rotary clubs boarded a bus to go to the Veterans Administration
Hospital to visit with other veterans who could not otherwise attend.
Community businesses were sponsors of the event, and had booths and displays.