GALENA PARK – After months of contentious meetings, since Mayor Moya took office in July, the City Council held two orderly meetings in the last week to conduct the city’s business.
Last Thursday’s meeting was a special called meeting, to receive and discuss a report from the Charter Review Committee on recommendations for Amendments to the City Charter. This Tuesday’s meeting was only normal business.
The committee presented 22 amendments, of which the council decided to approve and forward 18 for inclusion on the ballot in the May 9th general municipal election. No office holders are up for re-election this term, so this will be the only item on the ballot.
The 22 Amendments follow, briefly stated. All were approved except as noted:
1. Change the Commission’s name to City Council.
2. Establish a Department of Community Development to oversee development, planning, and building code enforcement.
3. Establish a Fire Department, with a Fire Chief and Fire Marshal and prescribe duties.
4. Establish a Police Department with a Police Chief, and prescribe duties.
5. Provide for conflict resolution between charter provisions.
6. Change the term of office for Mayor and Council to 3 years instead of 2, stagger terms, and have term limits.
7. Provide for forfeiting or removal of office holders and the filling of the vacancy.
8. City Council shall set level of compensation (NO).
9. Provide for the duties of the Mayor Pro Tem (NO).
10. Permit City Council meeting in locations other than City Hall.
11. Provide rules for the public to speak at Council meetings.
12. Require roll call votes on resolutions and ordinances (NO).
13. Have a City Manager form of government, prescribe duties and qualifications.
14. Provide for a City Attorney, prescribe duties and qualifications.
15. Provide for a Municipal Court and judges. (NO).
16. Define the powers of the Mayor.
17. Provide for oversight of the City and City Manager by Council.
18. Require Council members signatures on vetoes and deletion of obsolete provisions.
19. Prohibit hiring of employees related to Council members.
20. Provide Citizens with the right to Initiative, Referendum, and Recall.
21. Provide Citizens with the right to amend charter.
22. Provide for a Charter review every 5 years.
The Council approved an ordinance placing the above amendments on the May 9th ballot for citizens to vote. Amendments will be explained in more detail.