Galena Park Council Meeting Business
Galena Park, TX. — June 6, 2017 — Mayor Esmeralda Moya at 6 PM called the meeting to order. After a prayer and pledges to the flags the minutes of the May 16, 2017 meeting and the Accounts Payable through June 6 was unanimously approved.
Welcoming news for Galena Manor residents was when the Commissioners unanimously approved for the City Secretary to advertise for bids for Phase I of the mold remediation project for the closed Evelyn Churchill Community Building. The building has been the main topic for months at the council meetings sparking protests and heated confrontations between unhappy citizens and city officials.
Phase I work consists of mold remediation and drywall removal of the community building.
The Commissioners unanimously approved Ordinance 2017-03 related to hearings of the City Commission and Zoning Commission held jointly concerning changes to Business Zoning.
The Commissioners unanimously approved the agreement between Realta Construction and the city of Galena Park for construction services at 105 S Main in the amount of $5,000.
The Commissioners unanimously approved the memorandum of understanding between Texas Department of Public Safety and the City of Galena Park Police Department related to commercial vehicle inspections.
The Commissioners unanimously approved changing the employment status of Ernest Nichols from full-time to part-time employment.
The Commissioners unanimously approved part-time summer employment for the Parks and Recreation Department Kathryn Sheppard, Andrew Bennett, Miguel Gil, Paul Villalobos, Adriana Morales, Alberto Cruz, Alejandro Ocanas, Saeeliza Trevino, Monica Espinoza, Kriselda Narvaez, Kevin Avila, Ayleen Valdez, Perla Hernandez, Brianna Narvaez, Cristian Suarez and Crystal De Leon and for the Water Department Brandon Embry and David Delgadillo.
Former Commissioner Robert Clowers at the end of the meeting accused the Mayor of misuse of public funds whenever she gave former Police Chief Eddie Mata $12,000 in severance pay to resign. He also said the Mayor and Commissioners have not formerly approved and accepted Chief Mata’s resignation letter.