NORTH CHANNEL – On Election Day, May 4, only 554 voters or 3.43% of eligible voters determined that Channelview ISD could proceed with their $195.4 million bond package. And in Galena Park ISD, only 639 voted for new school board members. Jeff Miller was elected with 408 votes, and Ramon Garza with 454 votes. Herbert Sanchez had 107, Randy Orr 120 for Position #3, and Kristina Zatopek had 145 and Andrea Henry had 39 votes for Position #4.
Voters in Channelview ISD approved the school district bond proposition on the May 4 ballot. Unofficial results from Harris County indicate that 75 percent of voters approved the bond package.
With the passage of the bond election, the district now has authorization for $195.4 million to address growth and program expansions, campus renovations, safety and security, technology, land purchases and buses.
“This is an exciting day for Channelview ISD and the future of our school district,” said Channelview ISD Superintendent Greg Ollis. “I am so thankful for the support from our community members, staff, parents and school board members who took time out of their busy schedules to vote.”
Channelview ISD thanked each of the members of the Citizens’ Bond Planning Committee who spent months studying and prioritizing the needs of the District to develop the bond package. These projects will allow Channelview ISD to have the capacity needed for future student growth while providing students with educational and extracurricular opportunities that prepare them to become creative, responsible, patriotic contributing members of society.
Specifically, the bond package includes the following projects:
Replacement Schools:
• Replacement school for DeZavala Elementary
• Replacement school to combine Cobb Elementary and Schochler Elementary
CHS Growth & Program Expansion:
• New Career & Technical Education (CTE) Center Addition
• New Auditorium
• Athletic Additions & Renovations Campus Renovations:
• HVAC Systems
• Roofing
• Plumbing
• Electrical Systems
• Driveways & Parking
• Interior Finishes
Safety & Security:
• Upgraded controlled entrances at each campus
• Security cameras district-wide
• Enclosed connection between CHS and Kolarik
• Exterior door alarms at CHS
• New front entry at CHS Technology:
• Chromebook refresh
• Classroom projector refresh
• Cafeteria projectors
• Specialized technology for Elementary students
• Land Purchase for Future School Sites
• New Buses
Additional details about the Channelview ISD May 2019 bond are available on the district’s bond website: www.cvisdbond.org.