By Allan Jamail
On Friday, October 25, 2019 at the Galena Park I.S.D Administration Building approximately 200 of the district’s employees and officials gathered for their 3rd Annual Battle of the Pink Team Building Activity. The event hosted by Communications Services Department is to fundraise for the American Cancer Society and bring awareness to breast cancer.
Superintendent Dr. Angi Williams and school officials stayed neutral in the contest but cheered and applauded each of the six teams as they competed in the six different games for the highest team score. Dr. Williams said, “These teams take these contests serious and get highly emotional and competitive for the highest score. I’m thrilled we have such a good spirited bunch participating in such as worthy life-saving cause as this.”
The Annual Battle of the Pink festivities began with a week-long fundraiser, giving Administration Building employees the opportunity to empty their change jars and pockets of loose change—and it added up! Almost $1500 was raised to donate to the American Cancer Society. Additionally, Administration Building departments competed against each other in a friendly competition on Friday afternoon to determine this year’s Battle of the Pink Champions! Competitive events included Hut Hut for a Cure; Give Cancer a Toss, Pop for a Cure, Polar Opposites and Stomping Out Cancer. Fun was had by all!
While everyone was a winner just for participating, this year’s first place teams were, Battle of the Pink Winners – Team Tackle Breast Cancer (Business Services Department), Best Uniform – Pink Atude (Student Nutrition Department), Most Team Spirit – C&I Stros (Curriculum & Instruction Department) and Box Out Cancer Winner – C&I Stros (Curriculum & Instruction Department).
Elyse Rountree, GPISD Communications Specialist assisted with the story.