Dear Friend,
The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. Though staying inside and staying healthy are the most crucial ways to stave off this outbreak, there are many ways you can help your community while adhering to social distancing guidelines.
It is important that we take care of each other during these stressful and uncertain times. Several nonprofit organizations could use your time and money to make sure vulnerable populations are cared for during the pandemic. Below, we have listed information about how you can support some of our frontline organizations through their COVID-19 response.
If you can’t contribute financially there are many ways to help fellow Texans during this crisis.
– Stay connected and check on your friends and family; if you are feeling a little lonely and anxious, chances are other people in your life are too.
– If you have elderly neighbors or friends, call them to see how they’re faring. Offer to do some non-contact chores, like putting the trash out, getting the mail or mowing the lawn.
We will get through this crisis together. The social distancing we have been practicing is working and will continue to flatten the curve and keep our communities healthy.
Kind regards,
Ana Hernandez
State Representative