EAST HARRIS COUNTY – TXDOT, the Texas Department of Transportation, has announced that they will hold two public meetings in September, to inform the public of plans for reconstruction of the I-10 bridge over the San Jacinto River, and the rebuilding of travel lanes of I-10, from Magnolia Street to Thompson Road and Spur 330.
The first meeting will be virtual only (online via internet) and provide information on the proposals. This meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 19, 2023 starting at 5pm. It will consist of a pre-recorded video presentation. TXDOT advises that this information will not be available online until the above stated time.
The second meeting is scheduled as an in-person presentation, with interaction with TXDOT personnel and a chance to comment, ask questions and offer opinions. This meeting will take place on Thursday, September 21, 2023 from 5 to 7 pm at the Flukinger Community Center, 16003 Lorenzo Street, Channelview.
The purpose of the project is to improve traffic flow, increase navigational safety, and enhance roadway network connectivity within the project limits. The proposed project would replace the existing I-10 mainlane bridges over the San Jacinto River. The existing bridges have a 23-foot-vertical clearance and a 158-foot-wide horizontal navigational clearance. Due to repeated barge traffic collisions with the bridge structures on the San Jacinto River, the proposed I-10 mainlane bridges would consist of a wider navigational opening and tentatively consist of steel girder bridges with a 52-foot vertical clearance and a 386-foot horizontal navigational clearance.
The proposed project would also add vehicular capacity to I-10 within the project limits. The existing highway in this location consists of three lanes in each direction. The proposed project would add one general purpose lane, acceleration/deceleration lanes and entrance and exit ramps, and two managed lanes in each direction. Managed lanes are highway lanes where operational strategies, such as, but not limited to HOV lanes or emergencies services, are proactively implemented and managed in response to changing conditions. Proposed improvements along Spur 330 include widening to add one managed lane in each direction and connect to the proposed I-10 managed lanes. Currently Spur 330 consists of two 12-foot mainlanes and two 12-foot frontage lanes in each direction.
The proposed project would, subject to final design considerations, require approximately 5.4 acres of additional right of way and potentially displace one non-residential structure containing two businesses and would relocate the City of Baytown city limit monument. Relocation assistance is available for displaced persons and businesses. Information about the TxDOT Relocation Assistance Program and services and benefits for those displaced and other affected property owners, as well as information about the tentative schedule for right-of-way acquisition and construction, may be obtained from Angelica Sizemore, Right of Way Project Coordinator, at (713) 504-9628.
Written comments from the public regarding the proposed project are requested and may be submitted in any language. Please submit your comments by mail to the Tx- DOT Houston District Office, Advanced Project Development Director, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Texas 77251-1386. Written comments may also be submitted by email to HOUPIOwebmail@txdot.gov. All comments must be received or postmarked by Friday, Oct. 6, 2023. Responses to comments received will be available online at the web address listed above once completed.
If you have any general questions or concerns regarding the proposed project or the public meeting, please contact Jeanne Javadi, P.E., Project Manager, at (713) 802-5517 or by email at Jeanne.Javadi@txdot.gov.