The ceremony took place in Council Chambers, with an overflow crowd on hand to see the event and to encourage Moya on her first day in office.
Also sworn in was newly elected Councilman Juan Flores, Jr. who captured Position 4 in the run-off election held June 21st.
Moya’s oath took place at the end of a council session that had a large agenda, including a number of hires and resignations to the city staff. After taking office, Moya’s first official duty was to declare the council meeting adjourned, which she did with a wry smile amidst applause from the audience.
In addition to a large crowd of well wishers, Moya also had her family with her, including husband, son Sergio Jr., mother and sisters. It was suggested in jest that all of these voted for her, helping to place her into office.
Also on hand for the ceremonies were outgoing councilmen, Harris County political figures, State Senator Sylvia Garcia (arriving late from a campaign for immigration rights in San Antonio), representatives from Judge Ed Emmett’s office and Congressman Gene Green’s office, Constable Chris Diaz, and visiting officials from Jacinto City, including another woman mayor, Ana Diaz.
Galena Park government now consists of incumbent councilperson Danny Simms, and newly elected council persons Lois Killough, Maricela Serna, and Juan Flores, Jr., as well as Mayor Esmeralda Moya, City Manager Robert Pruett, City Attorney Jim DeFoyd, and City Secretary Mayra Gonzales.
The next regular council meeting will be on July 15th, the first time this team will get to work together.