Channel 13 is reporting late on Wednesday, July 2 that the new Galena Park mayor Esmeralda Moya has made changes in the top levels of the city administration. Reportedly she has fired City Administrator Robert Pruett, City Attorney Jim DeFoyd, and demoted Police Chief Jonathan Rader. The station also reports that she has changed all the locks on the outside doors, and has not given anyone a key.
When asked by channel 13 reporter Debra Wrigley why she acted, Moya replied that she had compaigned on the promise of making changes, and that is what she is doing.
City Administrator Pruett told Wrigley that Moya does not have the authority to make the changes without council action, and he refuses to leave his post. Entry to the building is under the control of constable deputies at this time, and a council meeting is scheduled for next week to resolve some of the questions.
The North Channel Star has queried Moya about her actions and future intentions. An answer is awaited and will be reported here and in print in the North Channel Star.