Galena Park ISD held their annual FFA Livestock Show and Auction last November, at the Ag Facility on Holland Avenue. Forty-Five lots were sold, and the unofficial total raised for student scholarships and the program was over $65,000, plus so-called “add-ons” after the official bidding. The Grand Champion Steer was raised by Amaris Moya, and sold for $8,500 to the North Shore Rotary Club.
Amaris is a junior FFA member, not yet in high school. 2015 program featured a turkey category for the first time, with Franzely Pena showing the GC bird.
The FFA clubs involve about 35 students from Galena Park High School, and 50 from North Shore High School. President of the GP FFA is Angelica Pecina, and NS FFA president is Jose Garza.
Please see the print edition, or PDF version, for grand champion photos and details.