GALENA PARK – At the May 2 Council Meeting Mayor Esmeralda Moya called the meeting to order. After a prayer and pledges to the flags Chad Burke gave the annual Economic Alliance report.
Resolution RO5-2017 appointing Leonel Cantu, Esteban Lucio, Dr. Aubrey Ross, Dr. Francos Martin and Mayor Moya to the Annual Advisory Committee received unanimously approval.
Resolution RO6-2017 authorizing preparation and submission of a six hundred thousand dollar Texas Community Development block grant application (CDBG) for sidewalks and authorizing the Mayor to act as the City’s Executive Officer and authorized representative in all matters pertaining to the CDBG application was unanimously approved.
Mayor Moya and Commissioners Rodney Chersky and Barry Ponder voted to table a proposal to allow Splash Pads USA for forty-five thousand dollars to install a 15 ft. X 30 ft. splash pad at the swimming pool. Commissioners Oscar Silva Jr. and Eric Broussard voted against the motion to table, Ponder said there wasn’t sufficient detailed information as to what the company would provide and what the city would have to do to get the splash pad operational.
Two part time employees was unanimously approved, Giovanna Duran (parks and recreation) and Anita Torres (City Hall Administrative Assistant II).
Mayor Moya presented a Galena Park high school student Salvador Flores with an award for being accepted as a U. S. Presidential Scholar.
Under the public comment part of the agenda many citizens mostly from the Galena Manor African American community of the city complained to the Mayor and council about the Evelyn Churchill Community Center being closed for nine months and the city not giving them a date for its reopening.
They said they’ll be back and continue to protest until the center is reopened.
On Saturday, May 20, 2017 from 9 AM till 2 PM at the pavilion 1302 Keene Street the city will provide low cost pet vaccines and city tags. For more information call 713-672-2556 or 713-453-0149.