Sitting on the new park benches, L – R: Veteran David Kent, Mayor Esmeralda Moya, Veteran Hector Torres and City Secretary Mayra Gonzales Standing: Galena Park High School Vocational Welding Department (Photo by Allan Jamail)
Sitting on the new park benches, L – R: Veteran David Kent, Mayor Esmeralda Moya, Veteran Hector Torres and City Secretary Mayra Gonzales. Standing: Galena Park High School Vocational Welding Department (Photo by Allan Jamail)

Galena Park, TX, Friday, May 29, 2017 — Citizens from all parts of the city came together to pay their respect to those who have died protecting America.

Park benches were dedicated and installed in front of city hall to create a Veteran’s War Memorial. Each bench has a bronze plague attached representing each of the branches of the Armed Forces. The Galena Park High School Vocational Welding Department fabricated and welded the benches.

Mayor Moya said, “While we celebrate Memorial Day with our families and friends, let us not forget to say a prayer for the brave men and women who served and lost their lives to protect ours and our beautiful Country. Today we honor that service and pray for the day when wars end everywhere. God Bless America!”