NORTH SHORE – The Rotary Club has announced that although they had to cancel the in-person Fish Fry due to Covid-19 restrictions, nevertheless they will hold their Prize Raffle, and proceeds will benefit scholarships and community projects. Their statement:
“The 45th annual fund raiser will not include crawfish, catfish, or a live auction. We have incorporated many of our nicer auction items and included them as prizes for our raffle.
We will have a grand prize of either a Chevrolet Colorado pickup truck or a Camaro. The choice will be made by the winner of the raffle.
Other prizes include a whole hog, a side of beef, each cut and wrapped from animals purchased at auctions from local FFA students. Houston Livestock & Rodeo packages, Texan tickets with hotel accommodations, vacation packages, gift cards, and many more. Twenty prizes to be drawn.
Tickets can be purchased from any Rotarian or purchased via Pay-Pal by going to URL: nsrotaryfishfry@gmail.com or Contact President Elect Lowell Everitt @ leveritt@everittind.com.
You may Pay by Check: Mail to PO Box 1152 Channelview, Texas 77530.
For more information: info@northshorerotary.org The drawing will be held at Turner Chevrolet at 2:00 PM on Saturday May 16, 2020. It will be shown live on Facebook Live by going to Rotary Club of North Shore Facebook page.
The drawing will also be presented via a Zoom meeting. Check the Rotary Facebook page for ID to enter the meeting.