HUFFMAN – The day national polls talked about a lack of enthusiasm by Latinos and a five point slip in the polls for the Democratic Presidential Candidate since the selection of a Vice Presidential running mate, Kamala Harris, locally, the zeal of the Republican ticket was abundant on Lake Houston.
The Lake Houston Marina and the Lake Houston Brewery east on both sides of the McKay Bridge were stages for Lake Houston Party Boaters, a group of about 458 members, to launch close to 800 water craft for the Big T 2020 Parade at 2:00 p.m. last Saturday.
That was a follow up from the Lake Houston Fun Run where participants donated $10 to benefit Texas Adaptive Aquatics. Awards were presented after the event at Lake Houston Brewery. The held a captains meeting at 1:00 p.m. to advise of safety precautions and distancing.
That group was joined in the parade by Lake Houston Voters for Trump sporting about 383 members that describe themselves as “A group of people to support Trump, like to keep their own money and have fun. They simultaneously launched Trump 2020 – Lake Houston Boat Parade.
Both featured red, white, and blue streamers, flags, MAGA banners in keeping with like events nation wide based upon the success of the San Francisco Boat Parade. Unlike an event near Austin there were no boats reported sunken or distressed. Hundreds of vehicles lined FM 1960 and packed the marina and brewery to support the boaters. Shouts and actual waving flags was active throughout the area.
Huffman Fire and Ambulances were on hand but no emergency was presented.
The event grew based solely upon Facebook posts and the two groups joining together.