NORTH CHANNEL – Harris County Precinct 2 is now offering study zones with free wi-fi access for the community at the North Shore Rotary Pavilion located at 14350 1/2 Wallisville Rd, behind the Fonteno Courthouse.
Students and parents are welcome to study and use for virtual learning. The Study Zone is open daily, from 8am to 6pm. Additionally, the Harris County Public Library will be onsite every Tuesday from 12 noon to 4pm with their mobile library providing e-cards, support with their digital material and book give-away services.
STARTING TODAY: To help support students and parents who may need access to Wifi, #CmmrGarcia is launching #studyzones at selected #Pct2 Parks. These areas set up with tables and chairs will have FREE Wifi access. Click here to register: https://
COMENZANDO HOY: Para ayudar a los estudiantes y padres que pueden necesitar acceso a WiFi, el #CommGarcía está lanzando #studyzones en parques seleccionados del #Pcto2. Estas zonas con mesas y sillas, tendrán acceso GRATUITO a Wi-Fi. Registrese aquí- https://
Registration and mask are required. For more information, see the attached flyer or call 713-274-2222.