By Allan Jamail
Houston, TX. – Friday, October 30, 2020 at the Houston Fire Department (HFD) – Station 44 at 675 Maxey Road, Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia donated 4,000 N95 masks to the Houston Fire Department. This is a part of her ongoing effort to make sure that frontline workers have the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to stay healthy and safe while they work to save lives during the ongoing pandemic. She has donated more than 50,000 face masks to community health centers, the police department, the fire department, and senior centers.
Congresswoman Garcia understands that if we are to crush this virus we must all have access to the protective equipment we need to secure the well-being of our communities. That’s why she also co-introduced the PPE for Safe Schools Act. This bill would provide $8.8 Billion for PPE in schools and school buses; $1.6 Billion for cleaning and health supplies; and $6.6 Billion to fund additional demands on cleaning staff.
The N95 mask is a specially made mask for first responders to fit to their face tight to not allow contagious germs to enter the mouth or nose. First responders are frequently exposed to victims of the deadly and highly contagious COVID 19 virus.