New Librarian Nyla Vela Brings Passion and Vision to JC Library

Nyla Vela Jacinto City Librarian.(Photo by Allan Jamail)
Nyla Vela Jacinto City Librarian. (Photo by Allan Jamail)

By Allan Jamail

In early December, I learned that Harris County’s Jacinto City Branch had a new librarian. I wasted no time in welcoming the new librarian Nyla Vela to the community.

I was delighted when she accepted my invitations to attend both State Rep. Ana Hernandez’s and the North Channel Area Chamber’s holiday parties, and she was well received and welcomed by many guests and chamber members at both events. She has a charming personality to go along with her pleasant smile; she makes sure to give whomever she’s communicating with eye contact to let you know she’s listening attentively.

Vela is originally from the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. She moved to Houston to pursue a degree in Psychology from Rice University, and later would go on to pursue her Masters in Library Science from the University of North Texas. She successfully obtained both degrees. When asked if she someday might pursue some other career, she quickly answered without hesitation and said, “No,” she has found her life’s ambition as a librarian.

“The best decision I ever made was becoming a librarian so I could help communities,” she said.

Before becoming the branch manager of the Jacinto City Library, Vela worked at the Aldine Public Library, the Hussey Mayfield Public Library, and as a Mobile Librarian for Harris County. Her passion for helping others directly translates to her profession as a librarian. Upon learning that libraries can serve as a place of respite and community for individuals and families, she was determined to one day run her own library where any person could walk in the doors, read books, utilize resources, and feel welcome.

In talking to her I could tell she truly wants to have a positive impact on people’s lives and help them use the library to find a rewarding career. She said the library can help people accomplish their goals. She proudly wears a pin-on button that reads, TODAY A READER, TOMORROW A LEADER.

“Today, the Jacinto City Library doors are wide open for everyone to enjoy fun family programs, educational workshops, and art classes. I humbly ask that you visit when you have the chance,” she asked.

She has been in Harris County for seven years and stays in close contact with her parents in the valley, Jorge and Veronica Vela, and her sister Anyssa Vela.

“My dad’s a retired high school coach, and my mother is a food caterer and an excellent cook,” Vela said.

When she is not at the library, she enjoys reading, spending time out in nature, running, and playing guitar. She has a beautiful pet dog, an Australian cattle dog named Kaiba.

Her favorite food is Mexican food and her favorite dish is Enchiladas Suizas, but she also enjoys all types of other foods. She’s a fan of the Houston Astros, Houston Rockets, and Dallas Cowboys. She likes watching movies that have high academy award ratings. Her favorite music is county western, and likes George Strait songs the most.

The Jacinto City Library Branch began in 1958. A dear friend of mine, Dorothy Bowyer, was the first librarian. It bears the name Mayor A. J. Bert Holder; he was instrumental in the library’s beginning. It started with 3,000 books, mostly donated.

Upcoming events at Jacinto City Library:

Blood Drive
February 4th
1-5:30 PM

Bilingual Storytime
Every Wednesday
10:30 AM-11:30 AM

Lego Club
Every other Tuesday starting January 14th
4:45 PM

Family Crafts
Every third Tuesday
4:30 PM

Library Hours:

Monday 11-6
Tuesday 10-8
Wednesday 10-6
Thursday 10-8
Friday 1-6
Saturday 10-5
Sunday closed

Located at 921 Akron; phone 832-927-5520;

The library will be closed on MLK weekend: Saturday January 18th thru Monday, January 20th, 2025.

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