Mayor’s Race highlights local election

Three campaign to be Galena Park mayor

GALENA PARK – One incumbent and two challengers are running to be the next mayor of Galena Park. The candidates are Maria (Rodriguez) Cortez-Ochoa, Barry Ponder, and incumbent mayor Esmeralda Moya. (See page 6 for Position Statements and Qualifications for each of these candidates.)

Also on the ballot are three Galena Park Commissioners. For Position 1, Mark Groba and Paul Winfield are running against the imcumbent Zenaida Granados. For Position 3, Incumbent Veronica Garcia is running against Martha Perez. And for Position 4, Robert Moya is running against Maricela Serna. Running unopposed for Position 2 is Mary Robles.

In the Galena Park school trustee election, voters will be asked to choose for Position 5 between Ken Wimbley, Herbert Alexander Sanchez, or Trent Johnson. For Position 6, they must choose between Noe Esparza or Kristina Zatopek. Running unopposed for Position 7 is Norma Hernandez.

For State Representative, District 143, Ana Hernandez is running unopposed. In District 144 Mary Ann Perez is challenged by Tony Salas.

For State Senator, District 6, incumbent Carol Alvarado is running against Timothy Duffield.

Two Constable races have received a great deal of attention. In Constable Precinct 2, to replace Chris Diaz two candidates are running, either Daniel Vela or Jerry Garcia. In Precinct 3, incumbent Sherman Eagleton is opposed by Andre Hines.

Sheriff Ed Gonzalez is opposed by Joe Danna, and a new County attorney will be selected to replace retiring Vince Ryan, either John Nation or Christian Dashaun Menefee.

For County Clerk to replace Chris Holllins, voters will choose between Stan Stanart or Teneshia Hudspeth.

A Tax-Assessor will be selected from a field of three, Chris Daniel, Ann Harris Bennett, or Billy Pierce.


For Position 1, Keith Liggett is running against Shumona Collins. For Position 2, Hector Martinez opposes Steve Dennis. For Position 3, Alex Ybarra is running unopposed.

Other unopposed races include Constable Precinct 1, Alan Rosen, and Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 Position 1 is Joe Stephens. Also Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 1, Rodney Ellis is running unopposed.

Other races of interest include HC District Attorney Kim Ogg vs. Mary Nan Huffman, and U.S. Representatives Sylvia Garcia and Sheila Jackson Lee, with numerous opponents.